David Black came to speak at the Boston Ruby Group on Tuesday (along with Zed Shaw, making it the most star-studded event since I started going). It was in one of the lecture halls at the Harvard Science Center (which, if you follow the pattern of every single other building on campus, is named after the "Science Center" family; seems like it should be Merrill, or Morrill, or something instead--here's your chance). I was expecting stand-up comedy, which turned out to be an unreasonable expectation because it was in lecture hall A, not C (which is where HSUCS (a group of stand-up comedians at Harvard) has had events in the past). But I digress.
David's talk was about "Per Object Behavior in Ruby" and about treating it as a prototype language (a logical follow-up to Dave Thomas' RailsConf keynote; he didn't disappoint and provided classless code (except for the tests; that would have been a nice touch)). I won't go much into the substance of the talk, except to say that he managed to clarify the meaning and use of an object's "singleton class" / "eigenclass" as well as further emphasizing that class != type, but that a class is merely a template from which new objects spring. He encouraged people to take advantage of Ruby's ability to extend individual instances of objects with methods (generally via modules), as that's a considerable part of what makes Ruby Ruby.
I was reminded that I had written some ActiveRecord code this spring that
allows "primitive" (String
, Fixnum
) attributes of AR objects to be
embellished by extending the attributes' objects before returning them from
the containing object.
In our case, we had a notion of FormattedText
objects, which were
essentially String
s that could contain HTML. Unfiltered HTML, as it turned
out. Rather than filtering during the input stage, we decided that we would
store what the user provided and leave it to the output stage to handle the
filtering. Instead of using a helper method in each and every case (with the
downside of having to remember to use it), I decided that the filtering
functionality would fit better within the object (so it would be used
appropriately in the majority case without any extra thought). In this case,
by overriding String#to_s
module FormattedText
def to_s
# filter and output
The next step was making sure that only attributes known to contain formatted
text were extended by FormattedText
(and that the internal representation
remained untouched, so that the filtered version wouldn't be saved back to the
database). A side-effect of this is that changing the value that was returned
and saving the object will not save the new value back to the database; to get
around this, you'll need to set the value on the AR object itself.
# Quick and dirty monkey-patch (should work with 1.1.x+)
class ActiveRecord::Base
# Attribute extension
cattr_accessor :extended_attributes
@@extended_attributes = {}
class << self
# create the "extends" declaration
def extends(attr_name, options)
extended_attributes[attr_name.to_sym] = options[:with]
alias_method :define_read_method_without_extends, :define_read_method
def define_read_method_with_extends(symbol, attr_name, column)
unless self.class.read_methods.include?(attr_name) ||
define_read_method_without_enhances(symbol, attr_name, column)
old_method_name = "#{symbol}_without_extends"
define_read_method_without_extends(old_method_name.to_sym, attr_name, column)
evaluate_read_method attr_name, "def #{symbol}; enhance(#{old_method_name}, '#{attr_name}'); end"
alias_method :define_read_method, :define_read_method_with_extends
# Override read_attribute for first call (pre-edge)
# or when AR::Base.generate_read_methods = false
alias_method :read_attribute_without_extends, :read_attribute
def read_attribute_with_extends(attr_name)
enhance(read_attribute_without_extends(attr_name), attr_name)
alias_method :read_attribute, :read_attribute_with_extends
# Enhance the attribute as appropriate
def enhance(value, attr_name)
mod = self.class.extended_attributes[attr_name.to_sym]
if mod && !value.nil?
An alternate way to implement this pattern would have been to use
and to create a FormattedText
class that extend String
. That
may be better for performance reasons (as it seems that it would simplify
method lookup), but strikes me as being slightly less Rubylike.
What do you think?