Switchboard as a Framework

While Switchboard is a useful tool for debugging and probing XMPP services, it's also a convenient and full-featured framework for building clients and components.

A Simple Client

This is the simplest client (bot) I could think of. It listens for input and replies with whatever was sent in the first place.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems

require 'switchboard'

switchboard = Switchboard::Client.new
switchboard.plug!(AutoAcceptJack, EchoJack, NotifyJack)

Let's break it down.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems

require 'switchboard'

Um, I hope this is pretty straightforward.

switchboard = Switchboard::Client.new

This instantiates Switchboard::Client with some default options, mainly spin = true (this is the 2nd argument). spin means that #run! will cause the process to run in a loop and not return immediately. ^C will interrupt the process and shut it down cleanly. (^C a second time if it hangs.)

switchboard.plug!(AutoAcceptJack, EchoJack, NotifyJack)

This is the meat of it, even though it doesn't look like it at first glance. Jacks are the basic units of shared functionality. More later, but the basic rundown is that AutoAcceptJack auto-accepts (and reciprocates) roster additions ("friend requests"), EchoJack does the heavy lifting of echoing input back, and NotifyJack sends presence (i.e. "I'm online") notifications to everyone (and everything) in your roster.

EchoJack (lib/switchboard/jacks/echo.rb) looks like this:

class EchoJack
  def self.connect(switchboard, settings)
    switchboard.on_message do |message|

I'll get to the details of self.connect shortly, but the gist of it is that the EchoJack registers an on_message callback and uses Jabber::Message's #answer method to create a response (inverting the sender and receiver) before sending it back on the stream (client or component connection, as the case may be).

Implementing the EchoBot as a jack is perhaps overkill, but the goal was to demonstrate how short and modular Switchboard apps can be. The alternate implementation looks like this:

switchboard.plug!(AutoAcceptJack, NotifyJack)
switchboard.on_message do |message|

Callbacks are executed in the context of the switchboard object; this is important to remember, as variables defined in a different scope will be unavailable.


This kicks off the process of connecting to the server. As XMPP is an asynchronous protocol, the different hooks will be called in response to varying inputs.

Jacks and Hooks

Jacks are extractions of standard functionality that are executed in the context of the Switchboard core. Thus, references to stream, etc. call methods implemented by Switchboard::Core and its subclasses rather than the jack itself. If you need convenience methods, they should be defined on the switchboard object provided as the 1st argument to connect:

def self.connect(switchboard, settings)
  def switchboard.helper_method
    # do something
  switchboard.on_message do |message|

connect is the entry point for all jacks. When the jack is plugged into switchboard (using Switchboard::Core#plug!), connect is called with the active Switchboard instance and its corresponding Switchboard::Settings. You can modify the settings in the body of connect, but what you'll most often be doing is adding additional functionality (via method definitions or Modules) to the Switchboard instance.

PubSubJack (lib/switchboard/jacks/pubsub.rb) modifies the switchboard object by extending a helper Module:

def self.connect(switchoard, settings)
  switchboard.on_startup do
    # ...

Like everything else, jacks have access to all hooks (lifecycle callbacks). These are called using on_<hook name>. In general, these map to callbacks defined by xmpp4r.

Clients provide the following additional hooks:

Strictly speaking, these hooks should probably be implemented by a RosterJack and plugged in to Switchboard::Client by default.

Some jacks also introduce additional hooks (using hook(:name)), such as PubSubJack:

This hook is registed in Switchboard::Helpers::PubSubHelper (lib/switchboard/helpers/pubsub.rb) with Switchboard::Core.hook(:pubsub_event).

Standard Jacks

The following jacks are available from the standard distribution:

Fire Hydrant includes a FireEagleJack that introduces a location_update hook that yields a FireEagle::User object, demonstrating that Switchboard apps can be blissfully unaware of XMPP semantics when using the right jacks.

A More Complex Example, with Pandas

Bamboo Shooter is a pseudo-realtime interface to the Flickr Panda APIs. It polls the APIs once per minute and dribbles the responses out over XMPP over the course of the subsequent minute.

This represents a more complex example for several reasons. Firstly, it coexists with EventMachine as a set of additional threads (EventMachine is evented and thus single-threaded):

EM.run do
  Thread.new do
    # Bamboo::Shooter subclasses Switchboard::Component
    @shooter = Bamboo::Shooter.new(SETTINGS)
  # ...

Secondly, it implements a PubSub service as a component, so it subclasses Switchboard::Component rather than Switchboard::Client. A side-effect of implementing a service as a component is that the logic for everything that the server would ordinarily do has to be managed by your code instead. Presence handling (implemented by Bamboo::Shooter#presence_handler) is usually the first example of this.

PubSub requests and subscription handling are application-specific concerns, but much of the implementation is essentially boilerplate. Dovetail represents a start at abstracting this, but it's incomplete at the moment. <subscribe /> and <unsubscribe /> requests are the only operations currently supported; the fallback is to return a <feature-not-implemented /> response:

def iq_handler(iq)
  if iq.pubsub
    if subscribe = iq.pubsub.first_element("subscribe")
      node = subscribe.attributes["node"]

      puts "Subscription to #{node} requested by #{iq.from}"
      subscribers[node] ||= []
      unless subscribers[node].include?(iq.from.strip)
        subscribers[node] << iq.from.strip 

      resp = Jabber::Iq.new(:result, iq.from)
      resp.from = iq.to # TODO component.domain (elsewhere, too)
      resp.id = iq.id
      pubsub = Jabber::PubSub::IqPubSub.new
      subscription = Jabber::PubSub::Subscription.new(iq.from.strip, node)
      subscription.state = "subscribed"

    elsif unsubscribe = iq.pubsub.first_element("unsubscribe")
      node = unsubscribe.attributes["node"]

      puts "Unsubscription from #{node} requested by #{iq.from}"
      subscribers[node] ||= []

      resp = Jabber::Iq.new(:result, iq.from)
      resp.from = iq.to # TODO component.domain (elsewhere, too)
      resp.id = iq.id
      puts "Received a pubsub message"
      puts iq.to_s
      # TODO not-supported
    # unrecognized iq

This is tightly tied to xmpp4r and REXML, but as the rest of Switchboard is too, it's not a big deal for the time being.

Presence tracking is a somewhat tricky problem (particularly for large numbers of consumers), so you'll notice that I completed punted and left it unimplemented. This means that subscriptions remain active (and will attempt to deliver photo payloads) even if a client has gone offline. For this reason, the consumers of this service are written to subscribe on startup and unsubscribe on shutdown. If the unsubscribe doesn't happen, there's a fair chance that the bamboo-shooter process's memory usage will balloon. As a result, there is currently no public instance of this service running.

Polling of the Panda APIs is done using EventMachine:HttpRequest, which is a non-blocking, evented HTTP client. The result of each request (scheduled to run once per minute per panda) is parsed using REXML (because Switchboard is already using it via xmpp4r), split up, and scheduled for publishing using EventMachine.add_timer:

EM.run do
  # ...

  check_pandas = lambda do
    params = {
      'api_key' => SETTINGS["flickr.key"],
      'method' => 'flickr.panda.getPhotos'

    ["ling ling", "hsing hsing", "wang wang"].each do |panda|
      req = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/')
      http = req.get(:query => params.merge('panda_name' => panda))

      http.callback do
          doc = REXML::Document.new(http.response)
          doc.root.each_element do |rsp|
            total = rsp.attributes["total"].to_s.to_f
            panda = rsp.attributes["panda"].to_s
            interval = rsp.attributes["interval"].to_s.to_f
            interval = interval / total
            delay = 0.0

            puts "#{panda} found #{total} items with a #{interval}s delay."

            rsp.each_element do |node|
              EventMachine::add_timer(delay) do
                @shooter.publish("/flickr/pandas/#{CGI.escape(panda)}", node)
              delay += interval
        rescue REXML::ParseException

  EventMachine::add_periodic_timer(61, &check_pandas)

Consuming the Bamboo Shooter feed can either be done by running switchboard pubsub --server <server> listen or with code like this (earth.rb, which will zoom Google Earth to the location where the photo was taken). Remember, Wang Wang is the Panda who likes maps.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems

  require 'appscript'
rescue LoadError => e
  gem = e.message.split("--").last.strip
  puts "The #{gem} gem is required."

require 'cgi'
require 'switchboard'

node = "/flickr/pandas/#{CGI.escape(ARGV[0])}"

earth = Appscript.app("Google Earth")

  "resource" => "earth",

settings = YAML.load(File.read("bamboo_shooter.yml"))
switchboard = Switchboard::Client.new(settings.merge(DEFAULTS))
switchboard.plug!(AutoAcceptJack, NotifyJack, PubSubJack)

switchboard.on_startup do
  defer :subscribed do
    puts "Subscribing to #{node}"

switchboard.on_shutdown do
  puts "Unsubscribing from #{node}"

switchboard.on_pubsub_event do |event|
  event.payload.each do |payload|
    payload.elements.each do |item|
      photo = item.first_element("photo")
      lat = photo.attributes["latitude"].to_f
      lon = photo.attributes["longitude"].to_f
      earth.SetViewInfo({:latitude => lat,
                         :longitude => lon,
                         :distance => (rand * 25000) + 5000,
                         :azimuth => rand * 360,
                         :tilt => (rand * 75)},
                        {:speed => 1})


Publishing is managed by the Switchboard component:

def publish(node, xml_node)
  event = Jabber::PubSub::Event.new
  items = Jabber::PubSub::EventItems.new
  items.node = node
  item = Jabber::PubSub::EventItem.new


  (subscribers[node] || []).each do |subscriber|
    message(subscriber, event)

Getting Bamboo Shooter running is a little tricky, as it requires an XMPP that supports the component protocol (I use ejabberd with the following configuration). More complicatedly, this server either needs to be public (with DNS SRV records configured to support federation) or on a private network with a second XMPP server running. When developing locally, I use an Ubuntu VM with ejabberd running in component mode (using ejabberd.cfg below) and a second ejabberd instance with the default configuration running in OS X. bamboo-shooter.rb connects to Ubuntu, the client connects to OS X, and the ejabberd instances figure out how to connect to one another with ZeroConf (hostname.local; avahi-daemon on Ubuntu makes this possible).

{loglevel, 4}.
{hosts, ["localhost"]}.
{listen, [
{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [ {access, c2s}, {shaper, c2s_shaper}, {max_stanza_size, 65536} ]},
{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [ {shaper, s2s_shaper}, {max_stanza_size, 131072} ]},
{5288, ejabberd_service, [{host, "<hostname>", [{password, "<password>"}]}]}
{auth_method, internal}.
{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}.
{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}.
{acl, local, {user_regexp, ""}}.
{language, "en"}.
{modules, [

That's it for now

That's all I've got for now. It should be enough to get you started building clients and components, but if you have any questions, post a comment below or write to the Switchboard Google Group.